Basically... other services didn’t do anything. The Perfect Place to Grow was different, we actually did stuff. And not just learning to cook, we got to go out and see places. People actually listened to me and cared about what I had to say.



The Perfect Place to Grow is a cafe and training kitchen in Margate supporting 18-24 year olds, not in education or work, into sustainable employment. We use food in all its forms to help young people gain the skills that will allow them to change their futures for the better.



We founded The Perfect Place to Grow to help address the very evident barriers young people are facing when trying to find employment opportunities in Thanet.

Kent has a rich and varied food culture, and Margate in particular has become a focus for modern independent restaurants, galleries and venues – open any weekend supplement and you’ll find articles about where to go and what to eat.

But walk a few streets away from the old town in Margate, like many coastal towns,  you will come across a hugely deprived area with an almost unbelievably high unemployment rate amongst young people.

So many young people are struggling. The lazy tropes we hear about the “youth of today” are not ok and not true.

Young people want to work, they want to change their lives for the better, but the barriers many are facing are often not addressed by traditional routes of education and employment.

Each person faces a different set of obstacles to overcome and many of these young people are finding themselves being passed between short-term employment services without ever gaining any real experience, confidence, or understanding of the tools needed to work. They are all individuals - with very individual needs.

At The Perfect Place to Grow we have the ability to do something about this. •


The unemployment rate in the UK is 4.1%. Once we look at young people in Kent it starts to get worse...5.5%. Thanet however, has the highest rate of youth unemployment in the South East. It stands at an almost unbelievable 10.2%



The trainees work in the kitchen and front of house at both our working cafe, and in external restaurants. They get the opportunity to work outside at The Perfect Place to Grow allotment that we have recently started, as well as the chance to work with butchers, bakers, baristas and of course, a huge range of guest chefs from all over the world.

We use these experiences to inspire the trainees, build their skills, and for them to receive the support they need to enable them to make a positive impact on their futures and the communities around them.

The kitchen at The Perfect Place to Grow is used as a creative place for opening up conversations on progression, building resilience and making positive work choices.

And for those that need support outside of the kitchen, we are grateful for the experienced external partners and volunteers that we are able to utilse. This may mean receiving English and Maths tuition, physical therapy or counselling. 

How long the support with us lasts is based on the trainees individual requirements, but our aim is to find employment opportunities that will be fulfilling and sustainable.

Whatever they choose to do for work, and it does not have to be in hospitality, if the skills and experience taught here helps them gain the confidence to go and get that job, we consider that a success. •


The Perfect Place to Grow is a not-for-profit training kitchen funded by working as a catering provider, private donations, trusts and charities. However, it is really hard in this current climate and we really need all the help we can get, so no matter how small please, please do get in touch or


Alternatively we are also looking for volunteers work with us and assist in all manner of things. If you think you can help us please email us at.