At The Perfect Place to Grow we are very lucky. We have the support of so many amazing people, volunteers and donors. However we still need as much help as possible to carry on the work we are doing with young people in Thanet.

Every little bit helps. £10 will help us get the ingredients for a teaching session, £100 will help us with tools for the young people to use at our allotment, £1,500 will pay for a 100-hour paid internship for a young person. And if you are feeling particularly generous then £4,500 will pay for a paid 16-week placement with us at the training kitchen. However, every penny goes directly to supporting the young people.

If you are thinking of donating a large sum, it is probably best to contact us first rather than use the button on this page.

We are more than capable of talking for hours about how we want to help the trainees and why it is so desperately needed in Thanet. So if you think you will find that interesting, and have a spare morning please, email us at and we can work out the best way to thank you.